Choosing Administrators


The AMP database is where the AMP assessment results are stored and where reports can be generated. To access the AMP database, a user must be assigned to one of the four Administrative levels. These levels include: AMP Administrator, AMP Support, AMP Mentor, and AMP Viewer.


To determine which level is appropriate for the Administrative users in your organization, please see the descriptions below.



AMP Administrator

The AMP Administrator has full access to the company database and is typically in charge of maintaining the company’s AMP. This includes adding and removing users, sending out emails, changing AMP dates, updating employee information (such as name, email address, or filters), generating reports, and adding/managing additional AMP Administrators.



There may be multiple AMP Administrators to help maintain the database. In many cases, the AMP Administrator(s) are part of the Human Resources department, though this is not necessary. We suggest choosing someone who is organized and detailed, and who is familiar with the management of the company and understands corporate policy.



AMP Support

The AMP Support level is designed for giving users access to specific groups or individuals. AMP Support has limited access to view/manage groups (based on your company’s custom filters) and/or individuals that are assigned to them. They can also be setup to only be able to view specific reports such as the Team Health Report and Organizational Impact Summary.  If no filter or individuals are assigned to them, they will be able to view the full company database.



We recommend using the AMP Support level for managers/supervisors to be able to view their employee data, particularly the Team Health Report and Organizational Impact Summary. You may also choose to have AMP Support within your company who work with the employees on an individual basis.



AMP Mentors

The AMP Mentor level is for users that need to be assigned to individuals in AMP, but don’t need access to specific groups. Like AMP Support, Mentors can be given access to specific reports.  This level is ideal if the user is supposed to be an “AMP Coach” or “AMP Mentor,” where they review the results of a select group of mentees. If the user needs access to group information, they should be assigned to the Support role.



AMP Viewers

AMP Viewer is a “view only” setting. AMP Viewers are only able to view the data for their assigned groups, but cannot edit any AMP features or information. Similar to AMP Support and AMP Mentors, they may be setup to have access to specific reports such as the Team Health Report and Organizational Impact Summary.



The AMP Viewer is generally an executive within the organization who would like to have access to the results. This level may also be used for managers/supervisors to allow them to view data without being able to change any of the database information.