Individual Development Report



The Individual Development Report shows potential development opportunities for the individual, as well as provides an overview of their AMP results. This report is designed to provide the AMP Mentor with the information needed to work with an individual employee. It includes a summary of their AMP results, responses to Organizational Impact Summary, Quik Help scores, Organizational Outlook responses and comments, and development opportunities.


Sections of the Individual Development Report:

At the top of the report is the employee name and company, the date they completed the AMP, how many minutes it took them to complete, and the employee’s DISC (if applicable). If action is required or recommended, a red, orange, or yellow box with “Action Recommended” or “Action Required” will appear below the DISC.

Key Summary:

The next area of the report is a summary of the employee’s overall AMP results. The top row shows the results from their Individual Report: Current Condition, Previous Condition, Attachment Index, Total Stress, Trigger Stressor, Validity Level, and Direction of Change. The Direction of Change measures which direction the employee’s stress is moving and will be depicted with an I (Increasing), D (Decreasing), or S (Steady).

The bottom row provides the employee’s responses to the Organizational Impact Summary, including Morale, Morale Trend, Supervisory Support, Workgroup Forecast, Career Succession, Teamness Rating, and Workgroup Health. It also includes the Work Readiness score, which ranges from -14 to +14, and is calculated based on their responses to the question of how they are currently feeling.


To the right of the summary is a section that provides the employee’s responses to how long they have been with the company, how long they’ve been with their current workgroup, and their current job assignment status.


Options for current job assignment status include:

  • I have requested a reassignment
  • I have no plans for a change in my job assignment
  • I will be reassigned within 6 months to the best of my knowledge – much to my concern
  • I will be reassigned within 6 months to the best of my knowledge – this will be a good change



AMP Quik Help
There are seven Quik Help categories that can be triggered when a specific pattern of issues is identified. This section shows the employee’s score for each of the seven Quik Helps, listed in order of priority. The Quik Help Categories include:

A – Organizational Support
B – Supervisor/Leadership Issues
C – Competency/Skill Issue
D – Work Assignment Issue
E – Team Support Issue
F – Coping with Job Stress
G – Career Outlook


Work Readiness & Career Suggestions
The Work Readiness question allows employees to check all responses that apply to the question, “I feel…” Each of these responses is then shown in the box titled, “Employee feels…” and has a (-) for a negative feeling or a (+) for a positive feeling. These responses are then used to calculate the Work Readiness score above.

The Career Suggestions question asks the employee to select all responses that apply to, “Looking ahead, I wish I were…” The responses are all related to their job/career path. Any responses that were selected by the employee will be listed in the Career Suggestions box titled “Looking ahead, Employee wishes he/she was…”

Organizational Outlook
The Organizational Outlook comes from the Organizational Impact Summary and provides an outlook for the company’s progress and direction, as well as how the leadership is perceived. This section of the Individual report lists the questions directly, and provides you with the employee’s response, ranging from 1 – Not Pleased to 5 – Very Pleased. The employee has the opportunity to leave comments related to each of these questions, and, if they did so, the comments will be listed below the question and response.

Org Outlook


Development Opportunities
The Development Opportunities section lists any Workplace Perception dimensions that are a Level 4 (significant concern) or a Level 5 (highest concern). It simply lists which, if any, dimensions are a cause for concern for this individual, as well as the definition for these dimensions.


How to use the Individual Development Report:

The Individual Development Report is designed to help you prioritize how you would work with an individual. It provides an in-depth look at the employee’s results, including additional comments they may have left when completing the AMP assessment. An AMP Mentor can review this report prior to meeting with an individual in order to prioritize their development approach. It is suggested that the Quik Help theme that is the highest priority be the main focus when meeting with the individual. Each theme is available in the AMP database under the Support menu in the tab titled “AMP Quik Help.”




How to generate an Individual Development Report:

 The steps to generate the Individual Development Report are the same as the other reports in AMP.


To generate from the Generate Reports page:

  1. Go to the Generate Reports page.
    Generate Reports
  2. Filter the data as you desire using the filters at the top of the page.
  3. Select all individuals or choose specific individuals to run the report on by clicking on the checkboxes.
    Select Individuals
  4. Select the desired reports – in this case click the button next to “Individual Development Report.”
    Select Reports
  5. Click the “Generate Reports” button. Your report will appear at the top of the page for you to view and download.
    Generate Reports