Comparative Analytics



Comparative Analytics Overview

The Comparative Analytics (CA) section of AMP allows user to compare multiple work groups, across multiple AMP dimensions at the same time. CA helps to determine what groups are in greatest need for support or development, and what groups are doing well. Often if a company has many groupings (departments, teams, managers, etc.) it can be hard to determine how they are all doing and where to focus. CA facilitates an easy analysis across groupings – so you can quickly see what is happening.



Sections of Comparative Analytics


Comparative Analytics is broken down into three main pages.


Group Comparison

The group comparison page allows you to look at multiple groups at one time. This helps to determine which groups are of top concern or to generally compare groups to one another. This page is designed to look at many groups, across a few key AMP dimensions.


Group Drill Down

The Group Drill Down page is the second step in the comparative analytics process. This page is designed to look at a few specific groups, and many AMP dimensions. This lets you “drill down” into what is causing a group’s scores, and to also compare unique AMP Dimensions across several groups.  For example, if you want to examine what your “hottest” departments have in common (and what needs addressed first), Group Drill Down can help you do that.


Trend Analysis

The Trend Analysis page takes a group, and the dimensions you select for that group, and creates comparative charts and trends to show how those groups/dimensions have changed over time. This page is beneficial to see how scores have improved overtime, and what areas are declining or stagnating.


Detail on Comparative Analytics:

For more detail on the the specific pages of Comparative Analytics, please select a link below.


Group Comparison

Group Drill Down

Trend Analysis