AMP Quik Help
AMP Quik Help provides a quick summary of what is happening with an individual or team in your company. Specifically, Quik Help summarizes the metrics found in AMP, such as Organizational support, attachment level, supervisory support, and others, and groups them into seven dimensions to give a high level overview of a group’s scores. It is an especially useful tool if you don’t have time to review all of AMP’s measures – as it summarizes all of AMP’s data for you. Additionally, as part of the Quik Help process each of the seven areas comes with a guide to help you take action to improve the scores.
Quik Help Dimensions:
Quik Help has seven dimensions (or themes) that each relate to an overarching area of organizational health.
Organizational Support
A compilation of scores that have measured the perception of organizational commitment, alignment of expectations, the feeling of appreciation, job contribution perspective, resource availability and task/job support. In other words, the sum of the key factors that impact how supported one feels by their organization.
A compilation of the elements that create good supervisory/ leadership behavioral relationships that include connectedness, creating and maintaining a trusting environment that leads to excellent communications and good supervisory practices.
The four corners of the behavioral foundation required to develop and sustain competency/skills needed to produce a desired level of performance. These are role clarity or what are the skills required of me, the culture alignment of these skills to the job needs Organizational Impact Summary of the organization, the alignment to the expectation by supervisor/management and lastly the individual’s perception of their ability to produce the work outputs being required.
Work Assignment
This score consists of six different scores that include: role clarity or the individual’s understanding of their job based on organizational context; clear and measureable purpose and goals as understood; the perception of ability to perform the work as assigned including training and experience, workload assignment given the skills, abilities, and time available; role optimization or the feeling of being fully and constructively utilized; and perception of flexibility and reality of being assigned where needed.
Team Support
The work group or team one is assigned and its ability to support this individual in their job responsibilities; the efficiency of the team in converting the individual energies into a team output; clear established goals and purpose to which the individual can connect with and endorse; and the respect from the team members as reflected on the individual for his/her contribution and effort.
Coping with Job Stress
Stress, an element of any job, needs to be coped with or handled efficiently and effectively. This coping behavior manifests itself in: one’s morale or how one’s work energy is assigned to productive work outputs or self-maintenance; overall stress score based on the ten core stressors; one’s work and overall life balance; and one’s perception of their job or position security. This security is the platform or foundation needed to establish effective job stress coping mechanisms.
Career Outlook
In coping and evolving one’s work skills it is best to have a clear picture of one’s future career to which a clear line of sight can be affixed or path can be established. The factors included for such measurement are: how well one is aligned with the work culture; the clarity of one’s current role so the future progress can be compared; and the alignment of expectation of one’s career progress, clear career opportunities or work assignments that can offer opportunities for one’s career development.
Quik Help Score Interpretation:
Quik Help scores are an index with a range from 0.0 to 1.0. The higher the number the “hotter” or more severe the score.
- Between 0.00 – 0.29 is “green” and is considered healthy or without concern.
- Between 0.30 – 0.49 is “yellow” and is in the caution range. An eye should kept on these scores.
- Between 0.50 – 0.65 is “orange” and is considered an area of concern and action steps should be strategized.
- Between 0.65 – 1.0 is “red” and is considered a severe score and is an immediate concern. Action should be taken quickly to help reduce the score to a more healthy level.
Quik Help Strategy Guides
To address the Quik Help dimensions, AMP includes strategy guides that help you take actions to improve the scores. These guides can be found under the “Support” drop down on the left of the database, and in the “AMP Quik Help” link.
By clicking on the Quik Help theme you are interested in, you will then be presented with a link to download the corresponding guide for that dimension.
Where to find AMP Quik Help
Quik Help can be viewed at the individual level or for a group.
To view an individual’s Quik Help results, you can generate an Individual Development Report, which shows where the individual stands on each of the seven dimensions.
Alternatively, you can view the results for a multiple individuals at a time with the Quik Help Composite Report. Similar to the Stress Composite report, the Quik Help Composite shows a “heat map” style chart of how individuals scored on Quik Help to let you see how everyone in a group is doing at a glance.
To see Quik Help Results for a group, you can find a summary chart on the final graph of the Organizational Impact Summary. This will show the averaged results for the individuals in the selected group, to give you a fast overview of the team’s scores across the seven Quik Help themes.